Monday, 4 February 2008


Have been feeling off for the past couple of days. I find that I am easily irritated and tired all the time. I have absolutely no energy to do anything.
Last night, I practical commandeered my hubby and older daughter who is 8yrs old into the kitchen to prepare dinner.
I feel sick all the time and cannot drink water as I don't like the way it tastes?!!. I have resorted to tonic and soda water in the meantime. Anything sweet is definitely a no-no for me now.
I haven't mentioned anything to my boss yet, I'm waiting till at least four months if possible. It's just too much hassle having to get up at 6am to get to work on time. It takes me one and a half hours to get to work and I am stuck inside the tube with no fresh air and packed like sardines in a tin, and having to endure mannerless people who either cough or sneeze in your face or else step on your feet or stick their bags at you while pretending they don't know what they are doing.
The weather is not helping issues at all, its freezing and today i had to stand in the cold with the wind and all while the trains delayed which made me late for work. If i had known I was going to spend an extra 45mins in the cold, I would had an extra lie-in.

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